KMF 2018 Funding & Spending
The KMF funds come from US, Canada, Australia, Europe and Vietnam. As such, the main currencies sources are in US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar and Vietnamese Dong.
The amount in US Dollars comes from the KMF (Kontum Missionary and Friendship) non-profit organization in the US. Contributions to this fund are from KMF members as well as non-members, their families and friends, and benefactors with the sole purpose of helping the poor, the handicapped, and the less fortunate ethnic montagnards in the Central Highland Areas of Vietnam.
The fund in Australian Dollars is raised by KMF members as well as non-members through Rev. Hai Thanh Ha in Australia.
The fund in Canadian Dollars is raised by KMF and non-KMF members, their families and friends and Rev. Paul Than Bui in Surrey, Canada. He also organizes a local concert every two years to raise funds for KMF.
KMF members and non-members from France, Germany, and Switzerland…also contribute to the funds in Euro, mainly through KMF France, then converted into US Dollars.
Contributions in Vietnam are from local KMF members as well as non-members and benefactors, their families and friends.
Fund raising activities in all countries mirror those of the US KMF calendar.
The following schematic describes the process by which the funding reaches the final destinations.
The following sections describe KMF 2018 available raised funds and spending.
1 – CAD (Canadian Dollars)
16/09/18 |
Canada: Rev. Paul Than |
20,000$ CAN |
28/09/18 |
Canada: Rev. Paul Than |
16,000$ CAN |
36,000$$ CAN |
2 – AUD (Australian Dollars)
03/05/18 |
Australia: Rev. Hà Thanh Hải |
9,300$ AUD |
9,300$ AUD |
3 – USD (US Dollars)
2018 |
Carry Over from previous budget year (2017) |
16,680$ US |
13/03/18 |
Transfer from KMF US Bank Account: 50,000$USD, Final Amount 49,965 $ US (-fee) |
49,965 $ US |
13/08/18 |
Transfer from KMF US Bank Account: 40,000$USD, Final Amount 39,980$ US (-fee) |
39,980$ US |
106,625 $ US |
4 – VND (From Jan 21018 – Dec. 2018)
2018 |
Carry Over from previous budget year (2017) |
43,320,000$ VND |
2018 |
Collection from Benefactors in VN |
870,050,000$ VND |
2018 |
Masses With Special Intentions said by Rev. Tâm |
63,050,000$ VND |
976,420,000$ VND |
$ CAN |
$ AU |
$ US |
36,000 |
9,300 |
106,625 |
976,420,000 |
B – Spending for KMF Charitable Support Activities
As in previous years, the following are the 4 charitable support programs with the highest priorities for KMF funding:
- Healthcare Assistance Program
- Education Assistance Program
- Lepers Assistance Program
- Orphans and Handicapped Children Assistance Program
The following are the actual spending of the four programs funded by KMF in 2018:
APPROXIMATE AMOUNT (~) IN $ US DOLLARS (using 23,300$ VN/US Dollars, Rounded off) |
Healthcare Assistance Program (Item 1) |
741,430,000$ VN |
32,000$ US |
Education Assistance Program (Item 2) |
1,741,000,000$ VN |
75,000$ US |
Lepers Assistance Program (Item 3) |
27,000,000$ VN |
1,200$ US |
Orphans & Handicapped Children Assistance Program (Item 4) |
877,000,000$ VN |
38,000$ US |
MISC: Buying Bikes / Uniforms Programs |
259,440,000$ VN |
11,000$ US |
3,442,870,000$ VN |
157,200$ US |
IN LOCAL CURRENCY: Vietnamese Đồng
Available Fund ($VN Dong) |
Spending ($VN Dong) |
2,703,656,000 |
2,701,440,000 |
(Exchanged Foreign Curr. To $ VN) |
(Items 2, 3, 4) |
976,420,000$ From VN contributions |
741,430,000 |
Item 1 & Misc |
3,680,076,000 |
3,442,870,000 |
237,206,000 |
(10K $US to be carried into 2019 budget) |
1 – Healthcare Assistance Program (2018 Actual):
Total For Healthcare Assistance Program: 741,430,000$ VN
(~ 32,000$ USD)
This item consists of two parts:
- Cao Thượng Health Clinic (Located in Kon Jodreh, Kontum)
- Medicine Cabinets Program for Remote Montagnard Villages
1.1 Cao Thượng Health Clinic (2018 Actual Costs): 506,380,000$ VN
(~ 22,000$ USD)
The Cao Thượng Health Clinic was founded in 2010 by KMF in Kon Jơdreh Village, situated 10km from the City of Kontum, with the purpose of providing health exams and cares / cures for the poor, free of charge, regardless of their religions, mostly for the montagnards belonging to the villages from Kon Rẫy County which is one of the poorest counties in Kontum Province.
The Cao Thượng Health Clinic is opened daily, including on Saturdays and Sundays from 7.30h to 17.00h. Each day, the health clinic workers provide health exams and dole out medicines to approximately 60 poor and needy patients. On weekends, however, it normally is more crowded, in the range of 90 to 120 people. In addition, the workers fan out to provide exams and medicines to the old and the handicapped who cannot move around in the region.
Typically, the monthly costs of the healthcare workers and the upkeep of the clinic run about 20 million VN (~880$ USD each month) with the additional cost of the medicines about 30 million VN (~1,320$ USD each month).
Cao Thuong Health Clinic patients visits in the presence of a local doctor and available daily nurse consultations.
The health clinic is stocked with basic medicines for distribution following doctor visits and nurse consultations.
1.2 Medicine Cabinets for Remote Montagnard Villages (2018 Actual Costs)
235,050,000 $VN (~ 10,000$USD)
The Medicine Cabinets Program for remote montagnard villages has been in existence since 2012. Up until now, twenty villages are recipients of this program. Village recipients to this program are from various counties from Kontum and Pleiku Provinces, from Tumorong, Dak Glei, Ngọc Hồi, Dak To…to Sa Thầy, Dak Hà, Dak Đoa…
The Medicine Cabinets Program is locally administered by the village priest or the religious sisters, the Yă (the religious sisters from the montagnard villages) who have some knowledge in basic healthcare.
Naturally, local people in the region rather come to their local priests and religious sisters for their healthcare needs in lieu of the health centers in their villages and counties with an unspoken understanding that they can be easily listened to and receive the medicine free of charge. However, there is a limit to the available resources. Each month, the cost of this program runs about 1,600$ US. In 2018, KMF can only fund approximately 10,000$ USD (235,050,000$ VN actual). So the funding only covers 6 months of the year.
The Medicine Cabinets Program of Plei Jodrop Village, Dak Năng County, Kontum Province.
The Village Priest & and The Medicine Cabinets Program of Kon Bơ Băn Hamlet, Ngọc Réo Village, Dak Hà County
2 – The Education Assistance Program ( 2018 Actual) 1,741,000,000$VN
The ethnic Montagnard children from remote villages, without financial assistance, would have problem continuing their education based on two reasons: being poor and the great distance to travel to school. They cannot walk for 5 to 10 km on dirt roads while being hungry. As a result, the highest priority of KMF is to work together with local priests, religious sisters and sisters Yă to maintain and expand the activities of the boarding houses built with the great efforts by local priests, religious sisters and sisters Yă within the confines of their church properties and organizations in spite of the many obstacles from the part of local government officials with regards to the permitting process.
In 2018, KMF provided funding for a monthly food program to approximately 694 students in such 19 boarding houses in various montagnard villages). Each student recipient receives 270,000$VN (~12 USD) of the funding monthly. An equivalent of 9,000$VN (0.40$ USD) daily, 2/3 of which (6,000$VN ~ 0.35 $USD) was reserved for the basic staple of rice. Only 1/3 (3,000$VN ~ 0.25 $USD) was left for the rest of the meal.
Another way to put this is that each kid, each day, won’t go hungry but with only one egg (chicken or duck egg) or a dried piece of fish (besides boiled rice). With additional funding, we would be able not only to fill the children’s stomach, but also to provide some minimum required proteins such as meat, fish, and dairy products.
The following are the boarding houses:
1 |
Plei Groi (50 boarders, Pleiku, Ya Oai, 660$ USD/month) |
2 |
Tea Rơxa (20 boarders, Ya Wut, 220$ USD/month) |
3 |
Kon Du (40 boarders, Rev. Hoàng Cvk 98, 440$ USD/month) |
4 |
Hơ moong (42 boarders, Rev. Hường Cvk 92, 440$ USD/month) |
5 |
Kon Jodreh (15 boarders, Rev. Việt, 180$ USD) |
6 |
Dak Mot (16 boarders, Ya Helene, 180$ USD) |
7 |
Xóm Nhỏ (38 boarders, Srs of The Daughters of Mother Mary Order, 360$ USD/month) |
8 |
Dak Hà (12 boarders, Srs of Divine Providence Order, 180$ USD/month) |
9 |
Kon Xơm Luh (28 boarders, The Our Lady-Sisters of Notre Dame, 360$ USD/month) |
10 |
Dak To (36 boarders, Rev. Tuyến, 440$ USD/month) |
11 |
Mang La (40 boarders, Srs of Divine Providence, 360$ USD/month) |
12 |
Nhà Thờ Gỗ (The Wooden Cathedral) (100 boarders, Rev. Truyền, 1,300$ USD/month) |
13 |
Terexa (25 boarders, Mother APL House, 200$ USD/month) |
14 |
Kon Hơ Ring 1 (52 boarders, Rev. Tiên, 440$ USD/month) |
15 |
Kon Hơ Ring 2 (18 boarders, Ya Simon Duyên, 220$ USD/month) |
16 |
Kon Đào (16 boarders, Ya Savio, 220$ USD/month) |
17 |
De Tun (16 boarders, Ya Goong, 220$ USD/month) |
18 |
Orphans boarders in Chư Sê Areas (120 boarders, Ms. Diễm Ly, 1,300$ USD/month) |
19 |
Ayunpa (10 boarders, Sr Tam, 130$ USD/month) |
– Total Costs of 19 Boarding Houses In Remote Areas: 1,741,000,000$ VND
Total For Education Assistance Program (2018 Actual): 1,741,000,000$ VND
(~ 75,000$ USD)
Boarding House in Kon Hơring Village, run by the Yă religious sisters
Lunch in a boarding house in Kon Du (= Ling La) diocese, run by the local priest
3 – Lepers Assistance Program 27,000,000$VN (~ 1,200$USD)
KMF does not provide direct help to the lepers in Kontum Diocese because Caritas, the Leprosy Foundation, and Father Damien Foundation undertake this task. However, KMF is providing some help to the children of the lepers in Phong Dak Kia Village (in Kontum Province, administered by the religious sisters of the Medaille Miraculeuse Order). The help from KMF funding allows the children to attend school and to be part of the social life without feeling the burden of the social stigma and the lack of confidence.
- Dak Pia Lepers Village children (Kontum Province) Assistance: 27,000,000$ VND
Total Costs for the Lepers’ Assistance Program: 27,000,000$VN ~ 1,200$USD
The Lepers of Phong Dak Kia Village
The students at. the Dakkia Leprosery assisted by KMF
4 – Orphans and Handicapped Children Assistance Program:
2018 Actual Cost: 877,000,000 $VN (~ 38,000 $USD)
In Kontum, there are 6 orphanages run by the religious sisters of the Medaille Miraculeuse Order. They are all called the Vinh Sơn Houses, numbered from 1 through 6. KMF is, in no possible way, able to fund the 6 houses. It reserves its funding priority only for Vinh Sơn House No. 5 and Vinh Sơn House No. 6.
The latter two are located remotely away from the main thoroughfare, rarely visited, and face many more difficulties than the other orphanages. KMF funding prevents the children from going hungry and to help the boarders having some physical strength to get to school. In addition, KMF also lands a hand to a group of volunteers in Pleiku Province in helping the orphans and handicapped in Chư Sê & Chư Pưh Counties with the same opportunity to attend school as other children in the same villages.
- The Vinh Sơn Orphanage House No. 5 (80 children, Kontum Province)
- The Vinh Sơn Orphanage House No. 6 (90 children, Kontum Province)
- The Orphans of Chư Sê County (120 children, Pleiku Province)
Total 2018 actual costs to the Orphans and Handicapped Children Assistance Program are 877,000,000$ VN (~ 38,000$ USD)
A lunch at Vinh Sơn Orphanage House No. 5
A lunch at Vinh Sơn Orphanage House No. 6
Orphanage & Handicapped House at La Hru Village, Chư Sê County
Other Projects
Apart from the projects presented in this Financial Report, KMF has also implemented some other projects for which the donors do not wish to publish their contributions by name. These projects include the construction of student houses, the building of wells or water systems to provide clean water to villages, the improvement of sanitary facilities for various communities etc.
For 2018, the following projects have been implemented by KMF, thanks to the generous contributions of donors:
- The construction of Kon Horing Student house, with a budget of 23,500 Euros
- The construction of Dak Poxi, Konduk, Ling La Parish student house, with a budget of 38,300 Euros
- The project of improvement of sanitary conditions for students of Wooden Cathedral of Kontum with 10 toilets (budget 7,710 euros), of Kon Duh – Dak Poxi with 6 toilets (budget 3,260 euros) and Plei Bong with 6 toilets (budget 3,260 euros.
The Ling La, Dak Poxi student house project:
The student house and toilet facilities at the Ling La Parish, Dak Poxi before the project.
The students of the Ling La Parish who benefit from the student house project
The toilet facilities and the student house after the project completion
The Ling La student house was inaugurated by Most Reverend Nguyen Hung Vi, Bishop of Kontum , with the presence of Father Nguyen Van Dong, Vicar General.
The student house at Kon Horing:
Father Nguyen Ngoc Tam (right), KMF President and Mr Nguyen Anh Vo (left), KMF’s representative in Viet Nam
visited the site and Father Le Tien (white T shirt and short), Kon Horing Pastor after the completion of the project.
Projects of upgrading the toilet and sanitary facilities at various locations:
The facilities before the upgrading at Plei bong student house and at the Cathedral Parish
The toilet facilities at the Cathedral student house after the project completion, with Father Truyen, the Parish Pastor.
Other projects were financed directly from the Singapore – Barre Group (Rev John Đích CVK 65 Parish) through the coordination of KMF but without transferring the contributions through KMF accounts:
– The clean water system for Plei Tower Village (6,000 SGD) and Kon H’Drâm (Kon Xomluh Parish) (6,000 SGD).
– The project to improve the English language for ethnic minorities students in Kontum and Pleiku since 2014 with a budget of 100 SGD to each student per month. For 2018 the number of students was 8,making a total budget of 9600 SGD.
– The project to assist the students at the Dakia student house (40) to buy essential hygiene supplies such as tooth paste and toothbrush, soap and laundry powder that has been ongoing since 2014 with a budget of 50 SGD per month.
The Plei Tower Clean Water project financed by Barre Group, Singapore
The Kon H’Drâm Clean Water Project, also financed by Barre Group, Singapore
The Barre Group Representatives visited the site project and interacted with the students at Dakkia Leprosery and provided them with the essential hygiene kits as shown above.
Saigon 12/12/2019
Nguyen Anh Vo, KMF Representative in Viet Nam
Tran Van Hien, Project Manager, KMF Viet Nam