Why the need to feed the Hungry in Kontum and Gia Lai? In fact, the hungry situation is regular in those provinces among the montagnards, every year, as on average the montagnards families can get rice only 3 – 4 months of the year. It means that for the remaining time of the year (8 – 9 months), they are obliged to survive with manioc and sugar potatoes, bamboos, wild vegetables, dry woods from the forest to exchange with the “Kinh” (Vietnamese) !!! but the situation is so serious this year due to the dry season that lasts in irregular way and to the Covid-19 government measures.

Here are a few pictures of montagnards families in their daily life….. to get an idea on how they are suffering, what we can see everywhere when visiting remote villages.

Only 1  – 2 times per year the children can enjoy together a real meal like this one organized by the priest of parishes or by the sisters when they manage to get support from various sources, locally or from abroad….


Special emergency Appeal to feed the hungry in Kontum – Gia Lai – Covid-19 Pandemic May 2020.

Funding sources: CHARIS SINGAPORE to feed the Hungry in Kontum and Gia Lai (via BARRE GROUP) : 163,934,426 VND (equivalent to SGD 10,000) 

Destinations of this special programme:

  1. LINH LA Parish (10 of total 17 villages):  Kon Kola; Kon Pau Kuen; Đăk Kơne; Đăk Rơwang; Kon Kôm;  Ling La; Đăk Krong; Đăk Pơtrang; Long Duân; Kon Đú with total of 200 families.
  2. PLEI KOBEI Parish (Sathay District).
  3. KON HORING Parish with total of 15 villages and 190 families.
  • LINH LA Parish (10 of total 17 villages):

Details from Rev JB Nguyễn Minh Hoàng of Ling La Parish

Address : Village 5, Đăk Pxi Commune, District Đăk Hà, Kontum. Tel : 0977961711

Received from Rev Huyen 54,600,000 at Kontum Bishop House on 14 May 2020:

Distribution (at Ling La church – from 17 to 19 May): total 250 families that mostly need of support….

Each package includes :

  • 10kg of rice (costing 120,000 VND)
  • 1 pack of instant noodle (58,000 VND)
  • 1 kg of dried fish (22,000 VND)
  • 1 bottle of fish sauce 80 ml (15,000 VND)
  • 1 pack of sugar (11,000 VND)

Total : 216.000 VND / package x 250 packages= 54,000,000 (including transport fees : 600,000 VND).

  • List of the 10 beneficiaries villages
  1. Kon Kơla = 30 packages
  2. Kon Pau Kuen = 20 packages
  3. Đăk Kơne = 20 packages
  4. Đăk Rơwang = 20 packages
  5. Kon Kôm = 30 packages
  6. Ling La = 20 packages
  7. Đăk Krong = 30 packages
  8. Đăk Pơtrang = 20 packages
  9. Long Duân = 30 packages
  10. Kon Đú = 30 packages

Total : 250 packages


  • PLEI KƠBEI Parish (Sa Thay District with total of 04 villages and 250 families):

Messages from Rev John Vu Duy Ngu….

From: Jean Ngu Vu Duy [mailto:jvdn12@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 7:02 AM
To: hien.tranvan@openasiagroup.com

Kính chào thầy, 

Con gửi thầy một số hình ảnh và danh sách những người nhận quà nhu yếu phẩm trong chương trình cứu đói cho giáo xứ Plei Kobei, cùng hợp sức với các Soeurs và các công tác viện của con… 

Dear Mr Hien,

I’d like to share with you few pictures and the list of “emergency hungry” families that have received the emergency packages, in cooperation with the sisters and collaborators of my parish Plei Kobei in the context of the project and programme.

Thầy gợi ý là 200 phần quà gồm 15kg gạo và nhu yếu phẩm, nhưng con thấy nhiều quá, hơn nữa để chia sẻ được cho nhiều người hơn, nên con mạm phép tăng số người nhận quà lên 250 người và giảm số gạo xuống còn 10kg.

You have suggested to give my parish total of 200 packages including 15 kg of rice and other daily needs for meals, but I find this too much. Moreover, in order to share to more beneficiaries, I’d like to increase the number of beneficiaries up to 250 families while reducing the volume of rice to 10kg instead of 15 kg.

Xin Chúa luôn đồng hành cùng mọi người trong việc làm chứng cho Chúa.

May God be with you and every good hearts…


Gioan Vũ Duy Ngữ.


Nhận từ thầy Hiền: 54 600 000 VNĐ.  Received from Mr Hien: 54,600,000 VND

Mỗi phần quà là 220 000 VNĐ. Gồm 10 kg gạo, một thùng mì tôm, 1 kg đường, 0,5 kg bột ngọt, 1 chai dầu ăn 1lít, 1 chai nước mắm 1 lít.

The value of each package is 220,000 VND, including 10kg of rice, 1 carton of instant noodle, 1 kg of sugar, 0.5 kg of monosodium glutamate, 1 bottle of soja cooking oil, 1 bottle of fish sauce.

Chúng con xin chân thành cám ơn thầy Hiền và qua thầy gửi lời cám ơn đến các ân nhân đã giúp dân làng qua những món quà thiết yếu cho cuộc sống.

On behalf of the hungry families who benefit of those donations, we’d like to send our sincere thanks to the good hearts and donors through Mr Hien, that helped them to survive during this suffering time.

Xin Thiên Chúa qua lời cầu nguyện của Đức Mẹ Măng Đen ban cho quý ân nhân được muôn ơn lành và thuận lợi trong cuộc sống.

May God, through the prayers of St Mary of Mang Den, bless you all for what you have done for us.

Số lượng các gia đình nhận hỗ trợ (có danh sách kèm theo), 250 gia đình, trong đó Làng Kơbei 160 gia đình, Làng Lung Leng 39 gia đình, Làng Lơn 25 gia đình và Làng Khuck Nar 23 gia đình.

You can find (hereto attached) the list of all 250 families who benefitted of your donations, of which Plei Kobei has 160 families, Lung Leng village 39 families, Lon Village 25 families and Khuck Nar 23 families.

Few pictures on families during the donation distribution at Plei Kobei Parish….